Monday, July 05, 2010

Our Swiss Apartement

Av. Mont d'Or 67 1er 1st floor
1007 Lausanne

Hi Ariel & Andrew, this is our apartment in Switzerland for a few months. It's located on the hills of Lausanne. There is a bus stop right in front of our door and we can go to places easily by bus.

These are the living room and place to study:

The two bedrooms. Your teddy is waiting!

And the kitchen + bathroom


Evi said...

asyik...bisa jalan2 di Swiss :)

Tiyo Kamtiyono said...

Dari tadi baca-baca arsip dari tahun 2000, termasuk blogger indonesia awal nih ya.

Perjalanan hidup yang panjang tertulis di sini, saya sangat ingin untuk bisa ke luar negeri juga.

Salam kenal, :D

itoiyoyo said...

wah.. teddynya andrew sufdah dibawa ya......orangnya belum... teddynya sudah tidur di tempat tidur duluan ya.....selamat oom... sayang yoyo nggak bisa ya... karena visanya sulit dan paspor ito habis... kalau yoyo masih....jangan lupa kenang2 an foto aja ya.....di blogspot aja...